Mobile App

2025 CHOC Walk

August 03, 2025

Choco's Step Up For Kids Activity Challenge

Help Choco take over the streets in his mission to walk a mile for every child in Orange County!
Use the CHOC FUNdraising Mobile App to connect to your Apple Health, Google Health, Garmin, Strava or Fitbit accounts to log your miles.
Be sure to use the CHOC FUNraiser app if you want to earn a special CHOC Adventure in the Park badge
only available on the event day!

CHOC FUNdraiser App

Make a difference for kids and CHOC right from your mobile device!  The CHOC FUNdraiser App will make it easy and FUN to exceed your CHOC Adventure in the Park fundraising goals. Plus, our app is power-packed with extra tools for team captains!

---> Download the Mobile App Toolkit <---

Mobile Bear


The CHOC FUNdraiser App helps you fundraise by:

  • Providing pre-written fundraising messages for texting, Facebook and Twitter updates and emails.
  • Effortlessly links to your phone contacts and email apps so that you can start fundraising right away.
  •  Allowing you to quickly and easily check your fundraising status and see how close you are to meeting your goals!
  • Providing the option to put your Facebook fundraising efforts on "auto pilot" with our automated social media posting service.
  • NEW: Make mobile check deposits! Simply take a picture of any checks you received from fundraising and it will deposit in your account in 48 hours of less. Simply visit the "Fundraise" tab and click the "Enter Donations" button and follow the prompts. Full instructions in the Mobile App Toolkit.
  • Earn badges of honor and activity badges from tracking your steps through our new activity tracker

CHOC Adventure in the Park team captains can use the FUNdraiser to:

  • Recruit new team members.
  • Check on the fundraising status of team members.
  • Encourage team members to meet and exceed their goals.
  • Fundraisers earn badges for their hard work.
Download the CHOC FUNdraiser App